Tips for a Stylish Bathroom | VONN Lighting Skip to content

Tips for a Stylish Bathroom

Investing in a good bathroom could help you increase your home’s value and enjoy a better experience when using your toilet. Whether big or small, your bathroom could transform into a whole better room for you and your family members with the proper makeover that it needs. Besides, bathrooms also need some touch-up improvements or small detail changes to help freshen up the space and make it cleaner. Having a stylish bathroom does not always mean that you have to spend lots of money. Some simple tips and tricks could create significant and adorable changes to your bathroom space. To guide you, here are some practical tips you could follow to have that stylish bathroom you’ve always wanted.

Incorporate Fresh Scents

Who wouldn’t want to make their bathroom smell fresh and clean all the time? Incorporating fresh scents into your bathroom is an affordable and great way to help make your bathroom look more elegant and smell nice at the same time. Fresh scents do not only mean having candles in your bathroom but also changing your hand soap to something that smells more of the season in your area and making sure that every container they are placed in is stylish too. For a more minimalist and elegant look, using glass containers and pump bottles would be best, but don’t forget to be careful with them as they are fragile!

Change Your Bathroom Mirror

One of the common things found in a bathroom is the bathroom mirrors. Bathroom mirrors are a good investment because they are highly beneficial, especially if you want to check out your face looks or do your skincare routine. Typically, the best time to change your bathroom mirror is when you see some cracked parts. Mirrors with cracked areas are unsafe to use and must be replaced immediately. Find some great deals on LED bathroom mirrors that are truly in demand nowadays because they allow more storage space, and they are lighted mirrors that could help brighten up your space in just simple clicks.

Be Creative With Your Walls

Your bathroom walls could also be designed to be stylish rather than just being a plain solid color. If you have some artworks you made yourself, putting them up in your bathroom might help create a livelier vibe to it. You can also add some printed prints that are framed and are suitable for places with humidity because art will never get old and will never disappoint in making a more creative and stylish place.

Replace Your Old Shower Curtains

Finding a great replacement for your old shower curtain is a cheap and convenient way to upgrade and style your bathroom effectively, but the difference that it could make is huge! Some people still have shower curtains in their long overused homes, which makes them less aesthetically pleasing. Using a shower curtain that’s the right one for your bathroom will help style your area. Whether you want a colorful design, solid-colored, or some with wild prints, it’s up to you on which trendy shower curtains you choose, but one thing is for sure, a simple curtain could help improve your mood and your bathroom as a whole.

Add a Touch of Green

You can never go wrong with adding some touch of green to your bathroom. If you have a bigger space, try placing some plants that are bathroom friendly and are low maintenance. You have to decide which plants could survive the humidity they are placed in your bathroom because not all plants would thrive in these areas. Some of the plants you may want to consider incorporating are begonia, bamboo, and more.


Creating a better bathroom area by adding a touch of style, art, and a touch of your personality will help in making you feel more at home. Additionally, there are various ways you could try and test if it would work for your area. If you need help, you may also check out the tips mentioned earlier to help you get started in creating a stylish bathroom.